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Understanding the Natural History of Disease
Learn more about the benefits of natural history studies in drug development.
Pharmacovigilance Case Automation Platform Case Study
Learn more about our custom-developed automated solution that can deliver significant cost savings while enhancing the overall quality and efficiency of your case processing.
The Joint Clinical Assessment: Anticipating Challenges and Opportunities
This white paper provides an essential overview of the regulations, a brief history, and an in-depth look at the EU's Health Technology Assessment Regulation 2021/2282.
Gain Strategic Insights by Linking Clinical Trial Data to Real World Data
Read our white paper to explore how integrating RWD/RWE with clinical trial data can overcome challenges and enhance regulatory submissions.
Pharmacovigilance Tableau Data Analytics Platform Case Study
Read our case study to see how UBC works with you to identify key metrics and ensure that data is provided in a clear and meaningful way.
The FDA Expands the Types of Confirmatory Evidence Sources to Support Drug Effectiveness Studies
Learn how the inclusion of real-world data (RWD) and evidence from natural history studies can improve your integrated evidence strategy.
Global Pharmacovigilance Transition Checklist
This checklist helps you navigate the challenges of changing your safety system. Optimize your PV program with UBC's full service customized solutions.
Social Determinants of Health Scorecard
This scorecard helps you evaluate if your patient access program meets your patients' social determinants of health (SDOH) challenges.
Understanding the Importance of Utilizing Social Determinants of Health
This white paper explores using the elements of social determinants of health (SDOH) to create optimal patient services program design.