The Irreplaceable Benefits of Video Calls with Hub Patients
Incorporating video calls into patient support services can greatly benefit both the patient and the nurse providing the education service.
Supporting Patients and Families Through Case Management
Read why implementing a case management system can greatly reduce patient drop-off, particularly for unique or complex therapies.
The Critical Nature of In-Home Nursing in 2022
In-home nursing services meet patient expectations and lay the foundation for long-term adherence and ideal outcomes.
Advance Your Pharmacovigilance Services, Step by Step
Step-wise improvements using artificial intelligence and machine learning can greatly benefit the capabilities of your pharmacovigilance services.
Efficient Technological Advancements for Your REMS Program
Learn how QR code usage, pharmacy API, and in-workflow solutions can unlock efficiencies for your REMS programs.
Patients First: How Advocacy Enables Success
Patient advocacy comes in a variety of forms but is incredibly meaningful in helping patients overcome barriers to treatment and achieve better outcomes.
Hub Services, The Patient’s Advocate
For newly diagnosed patients, Hub services provide a comprehensive partner and advocate for them throughout starting and adhering to their therapy.
Balanced, Comprehensive Patient Support: Hub & SP East Takeaways
Key themes from this event included advances in technology and optimizing services for more complex therapies that are coming to the market.
UBC Recognized for Healthcare Technology Partner Award Again
UBC was recognized for the second year in a row by Dr First in their Healthiverse Heroes awards.
Keeping Pace with Patient Services Trends in 2022
Meet the needs of an evolving biopharmaceutical marketplace, accelerated uptake in tech, and new partnerships driving new solutions.