Pharmacovigilance Tableau Data Analytics Platform Case Study

Do you need a real-time and readily accessible comprehensive data analysis tool that simplifies PV metrics and compliance oversight?

 Download our Pharmacovigilance (PV) Tableau Data Analytics Platform Case Study to learn about UBC’s customized PV Tableau data analytics tool that provides an all-in-one platform for safety Key Performance Indicator (KPI) analysis and compliance oversight to manage your project-specific needs with real-time data visibility.

Our intuitive, dynamic visual PV Tableau dashboard suite gives clients unique advantages designed to support PV operations with easy accessibility and seamless integration into the Argus safety database.

Read our case study see how UBC works with you to identify key metrics and ensure that data is provided in a clear and meaningful way with customized dashboards, including these options and more:

  • Case volumes metric per product                 
  • Expedited reports metrics & compliance per reporting destination
  • Periodic reporting metrics and compliance
  • Project training metrics

Partner with our PV experts for a custom and comprehensive data analysis solution to improve your safety oversight.

Get started by completing the form to access our Pharmacovigilance (PV) Tableau Data Analytics Platform Case Study

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Bekki Bracken Brown Headshot

Bekki Bracken Brown

President & Chief Executive Officer

Bekki Bracken Brown serves as the President and CEO of UBC, guiding the company’s mission and values, including the improvement of access for patients to receive better outcomes. She oversees all aspects of UBC, such as operations, business growth strategy, sales and marketing, and acquisition support.

With over 20 years of industry experience, Ms. Brown brings knowledge from a successful career in senior management from her tenure at Quintiles, INC Research, and, most recently, with Syneos Health. She’s been a member of the North Carolina BIO Board of Directors since 2019. She is also a member of the Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association — Southeast Chapter and CHIEF, an organization that supports women executive leaders. Ms. Brown earned her bachelor’s degree at Duke University.