Patient Support Services Congress 2024
Join UBC at this premier event for patient services trends and innovation where we will share our Patients First approach.
REMS Innovation Summit
UBC, the REMS leader, is sponsoring and speaking at this safety and risk event focused on advancing the design and implementation of REMS.
DIA’s Global Annual Meeting
Learn more about UBC’s presence at DIA’s 60th Global Annual Meeting in San Diego.
Pronovea Pharma Summit: Drug Safety & Risk Management
UBC’s safety and risk management experts will be speaking and attending this event focused on European patient safety.
RIC Annual Meeting
As a charter partner, UBC’s risk management team will head to Arlington to discuss the future of REMS in the biopharma industry.
Access USA
UBC’s patient access team will be exhibiting and presenting at this industry event in Philadelphia that tackles all angles of patient access.
DIA Europe
Join UBC’s evidence development, safety, and risk management experts in Brussels for this keystone European industry event.
Join UBC at this leading industry event bringing together clinical researchers.